0660 1060 53 2 Deutsch English Facebook Instagram
Logo - Top-Physio Physiotherapie 1060 Wien, 1030 Wien & 1220 Wien




physiotherapy 45 min. 90 €
physiotherapy 30 min. 60 €

real-time ultrasound

supported physiotherapy 45min.


105 €


alle fees are VAT exempted due to tax legislation §6 (1) Z19 UStG (Gesundheitsberufe). 



This step-by-step guide explains the procedure for your physiotherapy and how to get a refund from your health cover:


  • organise a prescription from your general practitioner or a specialist (orthopaedic surgeon, sports physician,…) for physiotherapy (10 Physiotherapie à 45 min.)
  • start the physiotherapy
  • send your prescription to your health cover within the first weeks (mail, fax, e-mail or in person, doesn’t apply for ÖGK & BVAEB) to get it approved
  • after the therapy: hand in both your invoice and the granted prescription at your health cover to apply for a refund
  • if applicable refund from your private insurer or accidental insurance

If you have any questions you can contact us via phone or e-mail



for physio appointments please call:


0660 / 1060 53 2


office hours:


Monday: 13.00-15.00

Tuesday: 10.00-12.00

Wednesday: 13.00-15.00

Thursday: 10.00-12.00

Friday: 13.00-15.00


Outside our office hours, please leave your name and contact details on the voice mail message, so that we can call you as soon as possible, latest the next day. 


top-physio.at | Physiotherapy
1060 Vienna, Liniengasse 53/2-4 | 1220 Vienna, Arbeiterstrandbadstraße 128 | 1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 106/7

for appointments phone:
0660 1060 53 2
3 times in Vienna:
1060 - 1220 - 1030