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Viktoria Frey, BSc. BSc.








Phone: 0650 495 4838

Email: frey@top-physio.at 

(please call to make an appointment!)






Since childhood, exercise has always been a part of my life. A few years ago, I became completely addicted to alpine sport. I love the mental and physical challenge.


Due to my interest in medicine and the human body I studied radiological technology. In this job, however, I missed the direct contact and work with the patient. So, I was motivated to develop myself further and study physiotherapy. In physiotherapy I can combine my interests, medical knowledge, working with humans, movement and sport.


I have specialized in orthopedics and traumatology. My areas of focus include pathologies of the foot and their effect on the kinetic chain of the entire musculoskeletal system. Another area of focus is on complaints of the spine. Here, among other things, the holistic therapy concept “Spiraldynamik“ is incorporated into the treatment of the patient.


Through regular further training and intra- and interdisciplinary exchange, I want to constantly reflect and deepen my work. In physiotherapy, it is important to me to work together on individual goals in order to achieve the best possible results.





Education & professional experience


since 2022: Freelance Physiotherapist at Top Physio
2021-2024: Freelance Physiotherapist at Fusswerk Wien

Freelance work at Kletterhalle Marswiese Wien


Physiotherapist at S.P.O.R.T. Physikalisches Institut

2016-2019: Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy, FH Campus Wien
2014-2016: Angiografy at University Hospital Basel (CH)

Bacherlor degree in Radiological Technology, FH Campus Wien



Training and qualification


ESP Sportsphysiotherapy


IMTA Manual Therapy Maitland level 1


Spiraldynamik basic course

2020: Myofascial Triggerpoint-Therapy

Therapeutic climbing


Participation in various workshops




Born in 1991, I grew up in Lower Austria

Three things that are important to me: exercise outdoors in nature (mountain sports, climbing, bouldering, ski touring, running), time with family and friends & music

Motto: Appreciate the small things in world that make life richer and more satisfying. – Carl Hilty



top-physio.at | Physiotherapy
1060 Vienna, Liniengasse 53/2-4 | 1220 Vienna, Arbeiterstrandbadstraße 128 | 1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 106/7

for appointments phone:
0660 1060 53 2
3 times in Vienna:
1060 - 1220 - 1030