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Matthias Zabel, MSc.






Phone: 0660 50 44405

Mail: zabel@top-physio.at

(Please call to make an appointment!)



Zurich Insurance – 1190 Vienna


After several knee injurys in my youth I got to experience the possibilities and the power of physiotherapy – it helped me find a way back to sport and to a painless everyfay life. This expericence evoked the wish to guide others on their way to recovery.


Before I became a Physiotherapist I worked as a paramedic. The search for a possibility to combine my passion for movement and working with people led me to physiotherapy. Since I finished my training I try to constantly develop and expand my skills, focusing on manual therapy and training therapy.


My therapy is focussed on creating fitting, “tailor-made” solutions centred on the individual circumstances of each patient – integrating these programs, worked out together with the client – into everyday life is probably the most important aspect, as I am convinced that this is one of the core factors regarding long-time-success.



Education and certificates


9/2015-7/2018: Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy – FH Campus Wien

Master degree in Applied Health Sciences – IMC FH Krems

9/2019: Fascial Distortion Model by Stephen Typaldos
since 3/2020: Maitland Concept
06/2020: Mulligan – Mobilisation with Movement
since 2018:

Various conferences / seminars on the topics :

Sports Physiotherapy, Strength Training,

Deep Gluteal Syndrome, Lower Back Pain,

State of the Art prosthesis supply,..




Born 1990 in Vienna

Living in: Baden

Travelling,reading,gardening, mountaineering, strength training

top-physio.at | Physiotherapy
1060 Vienna, Liniengasse 53/2-4 | 1220 Vienna, Arbeiterstrandbadstraße 128 | 1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 106/7

for appointments phone:
0660 1060 53 2
3 times in Vienna:
1060 - 1220 - 1030