strength test
How does it work?
We will start off with a brief and standardized warm-up programme in our practice to ensure safe and reliable tests.
Once you are ready, our team will guide you through various maximum strength tests, proven by numerous studies to be valid indicators of your strength training status.
Finally, we will explain your test results and discuss them with your physio, if needed. How does this work:
Good to know:
To ensure accurate results, we advise against engaging in any heavy strength work the day before.
If you have recently experienced trouble with your hips and/or knees, this may negatively impact test results.
In case of doubt, just ask your Physio or give us a call.
- Top-Physio patients and athletes (currently working with us): 180€, 60 minutes, including a proper handover to your physio.
- All other patients and athletes: 240€, 90 minutes including discussion of your test results and advice on further procedure.