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Logo - Top-Physio Physiotherapie 1060 Wien, 1030 Wien & 1220 Wien


The extensive range of motion of the shoulder girdle (which in fact are multiple joints working in unison) comes at the price of reduced stability, which can lead to both acute traumatic injury and chronic conditions; sometimes also a combination of both. Glenohumeral and Acromio-clavicular dislocation or clavicle fractures are common traumatic injuries, while frozen shoulder syndrome, shoulder impingement, SLAP lesions, or rotator cuff tears often have underlying causes of chronic “wear & tear”.



top-physio.at | Physiotherapy
1060 Vienna, Liniengasse 53/2-4 | 1220 Vienna, Arbeiterstrandbadstraße 128 | 1030 Vienna, Landstraßer Hauptstraße 106/7

for appointments phone:
0660 1060 53 2
3 times in Vienna:
1060 - 1220 - 1030